These are the people who watch me while I work. They are the people that are always in my cubicle and who actually know what I do all day.
Doodoo Dan is front and center in his Carhart overalls, and yes I had to ask a few people how to spell the very durable brand of clothing. Right behind Doodoo Dan is his wife Mimi with curlers in her hair clutching a broom.
Yes I do remember the days when Cafra first started working in my office when we would laugh about the shape of Doodoo Dan's body and how it resembled a big toe.
I do not know how or when I collected such a random assortment of little characters but somehow they all found me.
Now they rarely get noticed but dont you worry little people in the corner you are not forgotten.
No one could forget you Snoopy, Florescent orange Turtle, Blue Dinosaur, Realistic Frog, Yellow Platipus or Boy in bear suit holding the Bowling ball. You are what keeps this office in business because without you I would have went to the looney bin a long time ago.