Thursday we had a baby shower at work from 4pm until for a girl in interiors that is having a baby girl. I was just happy to be out of working for an hour so I did everything I could to help out. We had the most wonderful cupcakes from Whole Foods (see pic above). All the guys and girls from the office were invited and the guys did a bunch of ooohs and ahhhs and we picked on them about how long it took them to pick out their baby gifts.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
4:20 joke break
Does it have to be sooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooold in here?
Kelly Gibson
Yes. It builds character.
Gerald D. Barksdale, Jr.
Kelly Gibson
Yes. It builds character.
Gerald D. Barksdale, Jr.
Ryan Weaver
Yep. It prevents spontaneous combustion of the mouse hand.
Jeff Earwood
I have built a fire in my recycling bin and am running out of kindling. I think I am going to sacrifice my keyboard next.
Kelly Gibson
Throw Josh in there. I bet he burns easy.
Jeff Earwood
Kinda like that Christmas tree
cathryn johnson
You all may not know this, but you have copied me on these emails.
Josh Davis
You’re on fire soon.
Gerald D. Barksdale, Jr.
Make sure you inhale while I’m burning.
Josh Davis
And conversation done.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
These are just some pics of watercoolers that I found and thought they were funny.

And you can get a farm house style watercooler for your farm house style kitchen. It looks like all it needs is a crecent moon cut out of the side.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

These are the people who watch me while I work. They are the people that are always in my cubicle and who actually know what I do all day.
Doodoo Dan is front and center in his Carhart overalls, and yes I had to ask a few people how to spell the very durable brand of clothing. Right behind Doodoo Dan is his wife Mimi with curlers in her hair clutching a broom.
Yes I do remember the days when Cafra first started working in my office when we would laugh about the shape of Doodoo Dan's body and how it resembled a big toe.
I do not know how or when I collected such a random assortment of little characters but somehow they all found me.
Now they rarely get noticed but dont you worry little people in the corner you are not forgotten.
No one could forget you Snoopy, Florescent orange Turtle, Blue Dinosaur, Realistic Frog, Yellow Platipus or Boy in bear suit holding the Bowling ball. You are what keeps this office in business because without you I would have went to the looney bin a long time ago.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Last weeks board
Well after the St. Patty's day countdown I had to come up with an idea for another board. We had all been filing out our March Madness brackets so I thought that I would tally how many employees we have from each University. This is the overall breakdown, way too many UT fans. If you are wondering what some of the abbreviations stand for BGSU is Bowling Green State University and NDSU is North Dakota State University. I think we have a pretty diverse group but we could always use more MSU grads.
Oh and I am ranked 3rd as of now in the sweet sixteen bracket so wish me luck.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Warm and cozy

This is a little know device the women in my office call sanity. Yes, without this all of the women and men would rage an all out war on each other. The men are always complaining about how hot it is and the women are walking around in sweaters and complaining about how cold they are. So to solve our office dilema every woman (except Cafra) has a space heater for their own personal cubicle warmth.
Just now as our energy hog of a building just kicked on the air conditioning, even though it is rainy and cold outside, I clicked on my heater. Now my feet are begining to thaw and I can feel my fingers again.
To be such a Green Friendly, LEED supporting company we sure do waste a lot of energy cooling the men on a cold day and heating the women with their own personal feet warmers.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Busy Day
Monday, March 17, 2008
For the past few months I have somehow nominated myself for yet another office task. My task even has a name, Office Recycling Chairman. So to fulfill my duties as chairman I have been making sure the bins for recycling plastic juice containers, and aluminum soda cans were recycled on a regular basis.
As much as I tried and as much as the guy who collects the aluminum cans tried the bins were always overflowing.
So I ordered a cool recycling bin with a built in can crusher for the soda cans that my co-workers enjoy. I also went and bought a new big green bin for the plastic juice bottles so that I didnt have to empty it so often and so that it didnt get filled up by one luncheon. My office has many luncheons and at everyone one requirement is multiple jugs of sweet tea. Can you imagine how fast the plastics bin fills up after a luncheon.
In our break room today are these brand new recycling bins. Everyone has been trying out the nifty new can crusher; it is funny how the little things can entertain educated adults.
Friday, March 14, 2008
St. Patty's Day Discussions
This weekend is going to be filled with Irish pub hopping and green beer drinking. Everyone is excited about going out to celebrate St. Patty's Day even though the weather man is predicting rain.
I have a marker board in my cubicle that I use to write funny quotes or have co-workers solve riddles. Well for the past 10 days it has displayed this message:
I have a marker board in my cubicle that I use to write funny quotes or have co-workers solve riddles. Well for the past 10 days it has displayed this message:
Does this mean we like beer too much that we are excited about it for 10 days prior?
I think not.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
office bonfire
Projector - $200
Hotdogs - $2.00
Marshmellows - $1.75
Celebrating UT's win over Memphis - Priceless
This is what happens when you put a 2 month old dried out Christmas treen on a bon fire.
A guy in my office decided he was going to have a bon fire at his home and invite everyone over. We had the typical; beer, hotdogs, smore making ingredients, etc.
We also had the extravagant; 20ftx20ft projection of the basketball game on the side of my co-workers house and fireworks.
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