Monday, March 17, 2008


For the past few months I have somehow nominated myself for yet another office task. My task even has a name, Office Recycling Chairman. So to fulfill my duties as chairman I have been making sure the bins for recycling plastic juice containers, and aluminum soda cans were recycled on a regular basis.

As much as I tried and as much as the guy who collects the aluminum cans tried the bins were always overflowing.

So I ordered a cool recycling bin with a built in can crusher for the soda cans that my co-workers enjoy. I also went and bought a new big green bin for the plastic juice bottles so that I didnt have to empty it so often and so that it didnt get filled up by one luncheon. My office has many luncheons and at everyone one requirement is multiple jugs of sweet tea. Can you imagine how fast the plastics bin fills up after a luncheon.

In our break room today are these brand new recycling bins. Everyone has been trying out the nifty new can crusher; it is funny how the little things can entertain educated adults.

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